Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Nicholas Edward Cave

I re-watched one of my top 5 favorite films of all time today, "Zero Effect," an exceptionally entertaining, funny, and emotionally effective mystery. Equal parts Comedy & Drama, the film is one of those experiences that stuck with me over time, and gained even more of my respect with each subsequent viewing.

When I watched it today, I was once again struck by one of the films finest transitions, a sequence that leads from a lovely diner scene to the character’s long-awaited and awkwardly beautiful sex scene. The whole bit is anchored by the musical cue of "Into My Arms" by Nick Cave.

A few weeks back I spent an entire evening looking up videos of both Nick Cave and The Birthday Party on YouTube. I’ve always liked Nick Cave, but I was never really blown away by him until I started watching these videos. On record, I think his stuff with The Birthday Party has dated much better than a lot of his solo work has, but after watching these videos, it easy for me to see why he continues to be such an influence. I realize that only posted covers, but in this case, I’m more fascinated by his style than his song writing ability.

I particular like this cover of "In the Ghetto"

In The Ghetto (mp3)

A wonderfully vulgar rendition of "Stagger Lee" complimented perfectly by the video.

Stagger Lee (mp3)

What A Wonderful World (mp3) – Nick Cave & Shane Macgowan

Bonus Video & Mp3:

Junkyard (mp3) – The Birthday Party


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