Monday, May 08, 2006

Who Can Do It? I Can.

Friday I went to Half Priced Books with Mr. Mark and found a few things that I would like to share. First of all, I bought Claudine Longet’s "Love is Blue" on vinyl for $0.98. Several years ago a friend showed me Blake Edward’s "The Party" starring Peter Sellers and featuring Claudine.

I was blown away by how stunning she was, and her performance of "Nothing to Lose" is probably my favorite scene in the whole movie. This album is only available on CD imported which seems to run around $45, so below I provided a link to more modestly priced best of comp.

Love is Blue

Buy It!

Secondly I purchased a Rainbow Quartz Label Sampler from 2004. They are self-described as "your source for perfect guitar pop." The label seems to mostly specialize in 60's influenced pop and they are currently the home of Outrageous Cherry, who I posted about in April. Here are a few choice cuts.

Denise James – Come Home To Me (From the album It’s Not Enough To Love)
The Telepathic Butterflies – Four Leaf Clover ( From the album Songs From a Second Wave)
The Jessica Fletchers – (Come On) It’s Only Nine (From the album What Happened to the?)

Another band that was on the album sampler was Rockfour, a catchy and strange pop rock band from Israel. I stumbled across an album of their’s a few years ago called "Nationwide," it’s quite good, especially the song "Candlelight."

To The End

Buy It!

And lastly... many of my close friends already know, I sometimes tend to enjoy bad movies, mostly of the horror/exploitation genres. Occasionally in the past I’ve purchased movies based completely on the prospect of them being awfully awfully bad, so bad that I felt compelled to see them. For the first time that I can recall, a similar thing happened to me while I was CD shopping, I bought a CD based on the packaging, not because I thought it was going to be good, but because I suspected it was going to be so bad, I couldn’t pass it up (it helped that it was only $0.98). The album in question is by Rick Hubbard, a "children’s" musician, and it’s called "Who Can Do It? I Can." Was it worth it? You tell me

Who Can Do It? I Can

Weird Al & Rick Hubbard at the World’s Largest Kazoo Band and Chicken Dance 1999 (I always knew I was missing out on a scene somewhere).


1 comment:

Southbound Cinema said...

That Claudine track is beautiful. I must find the lyrics.